
Submit a Batch

Step-1: Collecting transactions from users

The coordinator collects signed transactions from users via REST API's and adds them to the mempool

type (
// TxReceiver represents the tx received from user
TxReceiver struct {
To uint64 `json:"to"`
From uint64 `json:"from"`
Amount uint64 `json:"amount"`
Nonce uint64 `json:"nonce"`
TokenID uint64 `json:"token"`
Signature string `json:"sig"`

Step-2: Validate transactions

Validate the transaction by calling the stateless transactionEvaluation function present on-chain.

* @notice processTx processes a transactions and returns the
* updated balance and the updated leaves
* @return Total number of batches submitted onchain
function processTx(
bytes32 _balanceRoot,
bytes32 _accountsRoot,
Types.Transaction memory _tx,
Types.PDAMerkleProof memory _pda_proof,
Types.AccountMerkleProof memory _from_merkle_proof,
Types.AccountMerkleProof memory _to_merkle_proof
) public returns (bytes32, uint256, uint256, bool) {

All the application logic on how the transaction should be evaluated in present in the processTx function. The transactions are evaluated against the balance root provided.

processTx after running the transaction returns the the following tuple (bytes32, uint256, uint256, bool) which consists of updatedBalanceRoot, fromAccountBalancePostTransaction, toAccountBalancePostTransaction and if the transaction was valid or not.

Step-3: Finally submit a new Batch!

Post running all transactions via the on-chain function we now have the latest balanceTreeRoot and all the transactions that were used to create this root which we will now use to update the contract with the new batch!

* @notice Submits a new batch to batches
* @param _txs Compressed transactions .
* @param _updatedRoot New balance tree root after processing all the transactions
function submitBatch(bytes[] calldata _txs, bytes32 _updatedRoot)

The transactions are encoded via abi.encode method for now, but will be switched to a better compressed encoding in the next version.

The data stored per batch is as follows

struct Batch {
// updated state root post transaction
bytes32 stateRoot;
// current account tree root (consists on all pubkeys)
bytes32 accountRoot;
// contains the address of the committer
address committer;
// merkle root for all transactions submitted(computed on-chain)
bytes32 txRoot;
// stores the stake committed with this batch
uint256 stakeCommitted;
Every batch sent by a coordinator has a finalisation period
uint256 finalisesOn;
// timestamp for the commitment
uint256 timestamp;